All posts by Brian Black

Container for Good

Last week our container was sealed up and sent to the lovely people of Quaama, a tiny town just north of Bega and close to Cobargo, both towns devastated by the 2019 fires.

The container was cracked open and the event described by the coordinator, Don

Allan, We had our first very successful opening of the container yesterday. What a lot of treasures! A huge variety of really good stuff! One ‘customer’ said “OH WOW…I had forgotten I had one of those”..   a vindication of our efforts. Top ‘sellers’ were the ‘many’ boxes of spanners etc. and the actual tool boxes. I have a request for fishing tackle, otherwise yes, anything….
Well done and thank you to you and your merry men.

Even if one bloke on a farm or in town gets a tool or a bit of gear that helps them in any way, then it has been worthwhile.

A big shout out to everyone that helped pack the container or brought stuff in to be donated. Every bit helps. Also a big thank-you to the other men’s sheds around the area that sent over donations.

And of course three cheers for those businesses that support us and enable this kind of good work to continue.

The result was so good we have another container already!

With the communities help we can provide relief to so many families and individuals who were impacted by the devastating 2019 bush fires. Donations thus far have been hand tools and power tools of all types. Hammers, drills, saws, sanders, nuts and bolts, screws, door furniture and fittings in fact anything that could be used to build shelter or furniture. We even had room in the container to include craft supplies.

Much of the donated items came from families clearing out the garage or shed. Weston Creek Men’s Shed members can assist retirees clean out garage and sheds. Members will also be available at the Shed on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings till 12:30pm to accept usable items. Please do not bring broken or damaged items and do not leave items if the Shed is unattended.

Hohoho, Christmas lunch

Thursday last week saw a good number of blokes sitting around the shed enjoying a Christmas Lunch in the form of a BBQ.

Here’s a couple off snaps showing the men doing what we do best : nothing much and eating!

Yes, I can see the problem, it’s empty!