Social Media love us!

The ACT Government gave us a great wrap on their facebook page. Its fantastic to see the reach WCMS extending out into the community, which shows that we are having an impact.

The Men’s Shed is an important community development organisation, and a powerful tool in addressing and supporting men’s health and wellbeing.

At a Men’s Shed you’ll find a busy and welcoming environment where members can work on meaningful projects, participate in community events, and sit, talk, and share in an atmosphere of mateship. 🗣️☕🪑

By providing a comfortable and safe space, the Men’s Shed hopes to prevent health issues that may come from isolation, while also working towards reducing the reluctance many feel to talk about emotions or to reach out for help.

With more than 15 chapters of Australian Men’s Shed Association across Canberra, have you or someone you know connected with a local chapter? Tell us below. – ACT Government