24 August 2022
On the day before the breakfast, in torrential rain and freezing temperatures, WCMS members prepared our facilities for the expected 60 members from other regional sheds attending the early morning breakfast sponsored by WCMS. The forecast for the day of the breakfast was for continued rain and low temperatures. It was with some surprise and relief that the breakfast was held in typical Canberra Autumn sunshine, albeit following a chilly minus 6 degree start.
The AMSA representatives and our guests toured our shed with many taking time to visit the workshop and look at the items being prepared for upcoming sale opportunities. Everyone was impressed with our facilities and commended us on our hosting of the breakfast.
For our efforts AMSA presented WCMS with a brand new 6 burner BBQ, 3 metre pop-up gazebo, esky and aprons. Lino and John christened the BBQ by cooking the breakfast bacon and eggs on it. With a coffee cart dispensing that early morning fix and a local musician providing the entertainment all of our guest felt right at home.
AMSA also presented WCMS with a Certificate of Appreciation and the Committee thanks all members who supported the breakfast.