Thursday 20th April 2023
Health Literacy Officer, C Moore, from the Health Consumers Association presented a step-by-step guide to weaving your way through the intricate health maze that one faces when you are ill or in need of medical attention. Some 17 of us were spellbound by the multitude of different groups that we face when we become ill, starting from the first port of call – the Chemist – all the way up to the port of final call, the Hospital. We learned that each of the agencies has a part to play in the health area but are also constricted in what they can do, what they can dispense and any after care that may be required.
The system appears to be rigid and this leads the patient into a web of referral after referral to get something fixed. During the presentation some members gave first hand accounts of their experience with the health system and these seemed to confirm what nearly all of us thought of the system. The hand out given to all is very comprehensive even down to locations of walk-in places.
At the conclusion of the talk we were enlightened but puzzled by the complexity of the system and why it should be that complex. As for most of us, we did not know that ear wax can be removed by the nurses in the walk in centres. I, for one, have concluded that little piece of information will not be passed onto the ‘cheese and kisses’. That way I can keep up feigning deafness when I find it is required. The group have also concluded that we would like to repeat this speaker in the future. It was felt that a wider audience would be more appreciative of this information. To this end we will engage the same speaker from the Health Care Consumers Association ( if possible ) at a date to be fixed.
Author: Tony Burns.