Members from the Shed left Rivett at 11.15 on Thursday 20/7/23 to visit one of our national institutions, the Australian War Memorial.
We had lunch at Poppy’s Cafe prior to taking the 80 minute tour at 1.30. Each of us found differing interests in all of the displays.
Common ground was we all thought it was a place that everyone, old or young, should visit. The dioramas of battles and incidents were compelling as was the recital of the contents from our guide.
Suffice to say there were so many great things to see we could not get through them all in this short report.
When we revisit the Memorial we invite all Shed members to see the past and learn from a guided tour rather then attempt to ‘flow’ through the building. It was worth it for we members on that day and I can assure you that everyone would find it informative and interesting.
Report: Tony Burns