August 17th 2023
Visit by Woden Police to the Shed: Inspector Nigel Booth from the Woden Police Station visited the Shed last Thursday to give a talk to members about policing in the Woden area. Nigel has extensive experience both in Australia and overseas and worked on the National Anti Gang Squad and in counter terrorism. His very interesting talk covered a range of topics including scams (what to look out for and what to do), security in the home and break and enter (locks, alarms and ‘attractive assets’), problems with the justice system (remember Alan
Castle’s talk?), crime areas in Woden, the priority system for allocating resources (i.e. sending the cops out to a callout), and challenges for the future (bridging the intergenerational gap, globalisation and technology). He praised his young staff and the support he now gets within the Police Force. Along with stories of his experiences (very interesting!), Nigel provided an excellent insight into how the force has changed for the better by way of supporting its members. Thank you Inspector Booth and we look forward to having you come to the Shed again.
Report: Warren Jones