St John Vianney BBQ

Saturday November 4th 2023

The Men’s Shed was asked by the organiser of the St John Vianney Fete, Annette Dozpot, if we would be able to attend and do the BBQ cooking for them at their fete.

Some of us have had a long association with SJV, and as helping out at their fete would be a great community thing for us to be involved in, I agreed on our behalf. I even offered to lend them our new super BBQ, which was gratefully accepted. And then our two gazebos…

On the day, Lino, Allan, Bruce and myself cooked up a storm, doing sausages, bacon and egg rolls and steak sandwiches. I even roped-in my granddaughter, who was a past student, to work on our stall doing the computerised point of sale.

In summary, I had a great time, met a few old friends from our days at the school and made a few new friends. I want to thank Lino for cooking endless sausages, and Allan Castle and Bruce McKenzie for being the ‘sous’ chefs cooking all the other bits and pieces, preparing the meals and serving on the counter.

Great job shedders!

Report: Brian Black