Australia Day Breakfast BBQ

January 26th 2024

Our first ever for the year was the second annual running of the Breakfast BBQ for all members and guests, held at the shed.

We had a large turn-out of members and guests and all who attended enjoyed a great meal and a nice morning chatting with old and new friends and inspecting all the changes that have been made around the premises since this time last year.

While John and Lino cooked and Allan and Dennis and a swag of others played host, Mike Hardy gave some guests one of his traditional tours of the Shed. Some found the vegetable garden, others the chillies, a lucky few found the blackberry bush and tucked into a few late blackberries.

Not to be outdone by Tony Burns who turned up at the shed at the last Committee Meeting on his first day out of hospital from heart surgery, John Warren made an appearance on his first day out from 167 days or so in hospital. Well done to both and to all our members who are pushing on through whatever life is throwing up at them.

Everyone was duly impressed with the new doors and the even newer decking and veranda, with many suggestions made for its future use, including yoga classes and ballroom dancing!

Thanks to all who made the morning happen with an extra thank you to John Webster for carrying the ‘plan’ through.