2nd December 2024
We were invited back by the Denman Prospect people to run the BBQ again this year at their Christmas Picnic that they put on for the community that has formed around the Denman Prospect development.
It was hot, we had lost our leading chef de snag because Lno had broken his wrist, and we had been pushed back from Friday to Monday. The postponement was a good call, Friday afternoon the heavens opened up and it absolutely bucketed down. But Monday was perfect. Did I mention it was hot! 3 hours in front of a blazing BBQ making just that much hotter again. But we can’t complain, we were out there mixing with the community, that’s our community, and we made a comfortable profit on the day.
A bit of a shout out to Gabriella Byrnes. Marketing Manager | Capital Estate Developments, for doing a fantastic job of organising everything, making it happen on the day, and of course, for inviting us. Thanks Gaby!