All posts by Brian Black

Covid Compliant Cuppa

After a couple of false starts due to weather and restrictions, a few of the members were able to meet up near the Shed , in a totally social distanced and health regulation compliant way, of course. The two groups strung out along a socially distanced line and faced off, firing muffins and insults at each other for an hour or so.

What a relief just to be able to see the others and hear their voices, listen up as each one told their tale of survival: jobs done, jobs avoided, the woulda-coulda-shoulda been dones.

We would all like to say that if you’re reading this and doing it tough during this restricted time of our lives, pick up the phone and call someone for a yak just to relieve the tension. You are not alone!

Allan restated that while the Shed itself was closed, members could still arrange through him to access hardware that they might need to finish a project such as screws, nails, timber, paint etc. A Call and Collect service if you like.

Container for good #4

Last week, the fourth container in the series of Containers For Good that the Weston Creek Men’s Shed have been filling up with useful workshop and household items, was sealed up and sent to Quaama, where it was gratefully received by the organisers.

They sent us the following email in recognition of WCMS involvement:

Dear Allan and fellow Weston Creek Men’s shed Members,

On behalf of the whole Quaama community, thank you for your continuing efforts to collect and send goods down to us.

A huge thank you from our community for the latest container load of ‘stuff’. The items you send are going to a much wider area than just Quaama. We also have regular attendees from as far afield as Tathra and Yowrie.

News of the arrival of the fourth load drew such an attendance that the majority of the goods were dispersed in a single opening. The Quaama Tennis Club ask me to thank you for their ”new” BBQ and we continue to enjoy our lunches cooked on the new Quaama Hall BBQ. We coincide new openings to occur at the same time as we have our Monthly markets at the hall.

There has been a great cooperative spirit as to who gets what and how they will get things home. Several attendees with utes/trailers have offered to deliver for others. The dispersal committee decided that the very fine aluminium storage box is going to a young man who lost all his business tools of trade in the fires and will be of great use to him on his new ute.

Delivery of your items has catalysed a wider goods exchange with the container partially being refilled with local goods excess to need, thus furthering reuse of otherwise unwanted ‘stuff’. Addition of a fire pit on these colder winter openings has created a new community gathering point.

Sooo.. as long as you fine people have the energy to continue sending us goods we will be glad to distribute them to the wider community here. Many burned out households are only just beginning to be able to return to their properties and so are only now thinking what items they might need. 

Big virtual covid safe hugs from all of us at Quaama xxxy

Men’s Health Week

To celebrate Men’s Health Week, members of your Executive Committee demonstrated their cooking skills by serving healthy food to members.

Terry Hourigan cooked up a chicken and vegetable soup and served it in china bowls rescued from Salvos and Vinnies. Our new Secretary, Cliff, cooked up a delicious Zucchini slice and freshly cooked vegetable pikelets topped out with a fruit plate of apple, pear and banana. And not to be outdone your President delegated his contribution to his wife who prepared a platter of delicious sandwiches.

Following the healthy lunch Nutrition Australia made a presentation on nutrition and healthy eating. The presentation by students from Canberra University was informative and well received by members in attendance. For more information about healthy eating see:

Hearing Australia

Thursday 3 June 2021 1330 o’clock

The folks from Hearing Australia gave a presentation to the members and then conducted hearing tests for anyone that was interested. Information and Contact details were distributed to the members, who expressed their appreciation of the presentation and the efforts of Hearing Australia

Gardening Bee

The call went out recently for members to help with some work on the shed’s garden beds.

Graham Lacey, who organised the days activities has this to report:

The weather gods smiled on the group of 11 enthusiastic Shed members who gathered at the Shed last Friday 7 May for a gardening working bee. This working bee was a follow on from the working bee held a month or so back to fill the new garden beds with soil.

A number of tasks on the garden “to do list” were very successfully completed in the morning.  These included: demolition of the concrete block steps (Brian and David discovered how solidly the government built things in the past – over specified?); fixing a storage cupboard to the wall in the gardening shed (Mick W and Duncan S);  maintenance and linseed oiling of tools (Alan S, Bruce Mc and John M); construction of a timber base for the compost bin (Warren J) so we  can get the compost happening; and refurbishment of garden pots and planting of garlic bulbs (Peter R).  Bram B continued working on the garden watering system.  

It was great to see these members contributing their ideas and experience as well as their hands to these tasks.  Thanks also to the workshop guys, in particular Michael H, for their contribution of advice and assistance on the day.  Watch this space for reports on future gardening activities through winter and leading into spring.

Cheers and thanks to all

Graham Lacey

Local Artist gets pleasant Surprise

Our mural, painted by local artists John Voir, was finished last month. John kindly extended the canvas to include both sides of the shed, and was ready to brighten up the container as well until it was pointed out that it was not WCMS property!

On 6 April he was given an unexpected and pleasant surprised when his artwork was inspected by His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley AC DSC (Retd) and his wife, Mrs Linda Hurley, when they paid a private visit to the Weston Creek Men’s Shed.

A big thank you to John from the members of the WCMS for his fine efforts in brightening-up or shed.

Governor General Visit

A very special day for the Weston Creek Men’s Shed!


A very special day for the Weston Creek Men’s Shed!

On 6 March 2021, His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley AC DSC (Retd) and his wife, Mrs Linda Hurley, paid a private visit to the Weston Creek Men’s Shed.

His Excellency is a Patron of the Australian Men’s Shed Association. 

The visit came from an invitation given to him by one of our members, Lindsey Dempsey, who was visiting Government House with his wife, Val, who was there in regards to her services to the St John Ambulance.

His Excellency was greeted by Allan Booth, WCMS President, and Mrs Val Dempsey who presented a bouquet of locally grown flowers to Mrs Hurley.

His Excellency and Mrs Hurley were then given a guided tour of the WCMS facility, speaking with members and discussing their involvement with the WCMS. They then inspected the new mural and spoke with the artist John Voir, before performing a ceremonial closing of the 3rd Container for Good, bound for Quaama, NSW.

After enjoying a cup of tea and chat with the members, Mrs Hurley entertained them with a song that she had written to celebrate all men’s sheds and had the members sing three choruses of You are my Sunshine.

His Excellency, in closing, gave a short farewell address and vote of thanks to the members for their hospitality.

Container For good

It’s time to send CFG#3 on its way and get CFG#4 installed in its place.

Ever wondered how its done?

Here’s a step by step pictorial account!

Having dumped a new empty CFG in the carpark, you back up to the full one, move your tray back and proceed to winch the container on board.

Then you dump it next to the new empty one in the carpark and repeat the process with the new one, to put it in place at WCMS

Finally, you back up top that full one again and repeat the tray-out, winch up process. Except this time the container is much lower and its pretty heavy. At least it looks like the truck is having fun, jumping for joy almost.

And so there you have it. All loaded up and ready to go. Note: do not try this at home with your 6×4 trailer!

Train Daze

One of our members, and his lovely wife, invited WCMS members to their home to play with their trains, and enjoy a yummy scone or two. Or a Lammo, or a HotX bun. Thanks to you both, we’d love to be invited again, next time I’ll bring my grandson, who will freak out, I’m sure.

(Sorry, no names, no addresses here for security reasons)