On Thursday 16 December 2021, Thirty-seven members were treated to a hot roast turkey and hot glazed ham lunch with all the trimmings.
The Committee would like to thank all members for attending and making the lunch a resounding success. It was great to see lots of ‘old’ members and many new members all enjoying the occasion and each others company.
While the plate loads of food were being savoured and despatched to the interior, our President, Allan Booth, recapped the year’s activities that have helped so many people on so many levels. He also briefed us on the latest news from or Peak Body, The Australian Men’s Shed Association. He brought his address to a close with the announcement that the ‘Pud’ and custard was waiting in the kitchen for anyone who fancied capping of the excellent meal.
As the organiser, Brian would like to say a special thank-you to his fellow Committee members who did such a great job, not just on the day but the weeks leading up to the lunch. And, of course to all other members who were happy to pitch in and do their bit.
Shoulder to Shoulder – that’s the spirit of the WCMS.