Shed Christmas Lunch

Thursday 24th November 2022

Thanks to the Committee who provided a full baked lunch for all members. The turkey, ham, baked potatoes, baked pumpkin and greens, slathered in a delicious gravy was prepared and served to almost 40 members. And given that there was nothing left at the end of the day it must have been OK.

As if such a treat was not enough, there was hot pudding and custard to follow.

Thanks to all the members who came along and partook of the meal and mateship. And thanks to all that helped clean up and pack away afterwards. Its a big job but a really great day for all concerned.

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Bunnings BBQ

Saturday 29th October 2022 8am – 4pm

Another Bunnings BBQ fundraiser at Tuggeranong, this time we were absolutely flogged from the 8am start to down-tools at 4pm. We sold out, three times!

A very special thank you to those who gave up their day to make this happen: apart from putting the Weston Creek Men’s Shed out there in the public eye, we raised a very substantial contribution to our finances.

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Stroke-Safe Australia

22 September 2022

The guest speaker from StrokeSafe,  Zachary Lombardo gave an
excellent talk last Thursday. The committee is looking to donate some of the proceeds from next Bunnings meet to Strokesafe so they can continue their good work. The powerpoint presentation from the talk is available from the Secretary if anyone is interested. More information on Stroksafe can be found through the following link Home | Stroke Foundation – Australia

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Pop-up Stall – Cooleman Court

8th and 9th September 2022

We were asked to provide a stall at Coleman Court to help celebrate Men’s Shed Week. The two days were a long haul for the volunteers, but a handy amount of money was raised, as was awareness of or Shed and what we do.

Well done to all who helped make the products and all who helped sell them.

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AMSA Gathering Breakfast

24 August 2022

On the day before the breakfast, in torrential rain and freezing temperatures, WCMS members prepared our facilities for the expected 60 members from other regional sheds attending the early morning breakfast sponsored by WCMS.  The forecast for the day of the breakfast was for continued rain and low temperatures.  It was with some surprise and relief that the breakfast was held in typical Canberra Autumn sunshine, albeit following a chilly minus 6 degree start.

Ice on the oval, great weather for a Breakfast BBQ Photo: J Webster
Maybe smudge-pots will help lift the fog and frost Photo : D Mitchell

The AMSA representatives and our guests toured our shed with many taking time to visit the workshop and look at the items being prepared for upcoming sale opportunities.   Everyone was impressed with our facilities and commended us on our hosting of the breakfast.  

Attentive crowd of Shedders Photo : D Mitchell

For our efforts AMSA presented WCMS with a brand new 6 burner BBQ, 3 metre pop-up gazebo, esky and aprons.  Lino and John christened the BBQ by cooking the breakfast bacon and eggs on it.  With a coffee cart dispensing that early morning fix and a local musician providing the entertainment all of our guest felt right at home.

Flash new solid steel six-burner BBQ – Thanks AMSA! Photo : D Mitchell

AMSA also presented WCMS with a Certificate of Appreciation and the Committee thanks all members who supported the breakfast.

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Annual General Meeting 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the Weston Creek Men’s Shed was held on Thursday 18th August 2022.

Last years minutes were read and accepted.

All committee positions were declared vacant

Elections were held for new committee members

These are the results:

PresidentAllan Booth
Vice President & Public OfficerBrian Black
SecretaryCliff Frost
TreasurerDennis Mitchell
MemberJohn Webster
MemberTerry Hourigan
MemberAlex Zvargulis
MemberTony Burns

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Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser – Tuggeranong

Saturday 30 July, 8am to 4pm

Another hugely successful BBQ at Bunnings, the first we have hosted with the new sausage price of $3.50. It has really made all the effort worthwhile.

Thanks to Bunnings of course, and to all the members of WCMS who helped make it a success.

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The Wolf has landed!

After many months, the container-in-waiting has been uplifted from its home around the corner and delivered to The Shed. All of this effort and expense is down to Nigel Clements and his CBC Metal Fabrications Company.

Nigel’s support of the Shed and our active involvement in the Community has been nothing short of fantastic. On behalf of all Shedders, I thank him again, and again.

We would also like to thank ARNCranes, who did the heavy lifting, leaving Chris’ driveway pristine as requested, and put that baby down in our yard, perfectly. That’s the only way to describe it, gently and surely and placed within mm’s of our markings. Thanks ARNCranes!

I have to thank Allan and Dennis for doing a great job clearing the site, surveying the levels and making sure it was going to be the perfect fit for WCMS, which it undoubtedly is.

And finally thanks to Chris, son of John, and John himself for organising for us to acquire this almost new container at a bargain basement price.

Well done all!

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Social Media love us!

The ACT Government gave us a great wrap on their facebook page. Its fantastic to see the reach WCMS extending out into the community, which shows that we are having an impact.

The Men’s Shed is an important community development organisation, and a powerful tool in addressing and supporting men’s health and wellbeing.

At a Men’s Shed you’ll find a busy and welcoming environment where members can work on meaningful projects, participate in community events, and sit, talk, and share in an atmosphere of mateship. 🗣️☕🪑

By providing a comfortable and safe space, the Men’s Shed hopes to prevent health issues that may come from isolation, while also working towards reducing the reluctance many feel to talk about emotions or to reach out for help.

With more than 15 chapters of Australian Men’s Shed Association across Canberra, have you or someone you know connected with a local chapter? Tell us below. – ACT Government

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